MOOLA - Vi sætter fokus på alternativ behandling og giver
dig inspiration til at få en sund krop og et balanceret sind.
"Moving from Pain to Power with Passion and Pleasure!
Learn how to bring more Love and Joy to childbirth"
Debra Pascali Bonaro, director of the award-winning documentary 'Orgasmic Birth: The best kept secret' and co-writer of “Orgasmic Birth: Your Guide to a Safe, Satisfying and Pleasurable Birth” is heading to Denmark May 2017 to enrich the Danish, Scandinavian and North European birthing community with her wisdom, knowledge and expertise within how to bring more comfort, love and pleasure into birth.
This workshop is for midwives, doulas, yoga teachers, bodyworkers and everyone working with women and families pre-, peri- and postnatally.
On this workshop you will get the opportunity to gain new tools and approaches, expand your goals for your practise, explore the intimate and sacred nature of birth, and be inspired within a circle of like-minded birth keepers.
The workshop is a three day experience.
There is also limited possibility to sign up for only one or two days of the workshop.
DAY #1
DAY #2
DAY #3
Saturday, Sunday and Monday May 27th - 29th.
Full workshop: DKK 4.575,00 / € 614,00
EARLY BIRD (before Dec 2016): DKK 3.575,00 / € 480,00
Two-day workshop: DKK 3275,00 / € 440,00
One-day workshop: DKK 1775,00 / € 238,00
Central Copenhagen
Louise Timm, or by phone +45-2613 1975
Karina Isolde, or by phone +45-4095 0786
Debra Pascali-Bonaro, B.Ed., LCCE, PDT/BDT(DONA) is the Founder & President of Pain to Power Childbirth Experience, Director of the award-winning documentary Orgasmic Birth: The Best-Kept Secret and co-writer of “Orgasmic Birth: Your Guide to a Safe, Satisfying and Pleasurable Birth” all of which explore the intimate and sacred nature of birth.
Debra is an inspirational international speaker, chair of the International MotherBaby Childbirth Initiative, Advisor to Human Rights in Childbirth and ICEA.
Debra’s passion comes from her years as a Lamaze International childbirth educator, and birth and postpartum doula trainer with DONA International where she has worked with women, men, midwives, doulas and physicians in over 30 countries bringing comfort, love and pleasure to birth and life!