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"See What's Never Being Said" - Body Language Seminar
Dear Sir, Mme,
Mastering 95% of Body Language can give you an additional global language, yielding amazing results.
How could it be that 80% of all entrepreneurs, politicians, lawyers, teachers, even parents, have little knowledge of Body Language?
In order to deliver a successful lecture, training or project, running a business and create daily maximum efficiency, Body Language is the key.
I have the pleasure to invite you, to participate at the Body Language Seminar:
“Master Business Anatomy” in Copenhagen on Saturday the 18th of November 2017 from 9am - 6pm.
Working together is an opportunity in creating “+value” for you, your company and/or third parties,
I look forward to personally welcome you!
- Some Leaders, CEO's, Managers, Lawyers, Politicians etc... practicing body language for a minimal part of their communication. When one becomes 95% fluent in it, they would have a whole new language on board Including amazing results.
- Discover business people lose 90% of all sales by the way they stand and move.
- Never change your decision to claim a goal or deal, empower yourself by changing your Body Language.
- A handshake can either destroy or build a strong foundation in any relationship, because… there is never a second moment for a first impression.
- The knowledge behind Neuro Science in combination with Body Language will change your game of life and business forever!
Business owners – Entrepreneurs – CEO’s – Professionals – Managers - HR – Sales – Lawyers – Judges – Police - Politicians – Teachers – Psychologists – Private – Partners – Children – Family – Friends...
- Discover what others think or feel without saying a word.
- How do you know that someone has genuine interest in what you say, just by looking at his/her face?
- What does the handshake tell you?
- Did you know you have 3 seconds to make a first impression? It will serve as a basis for a future conversation.
- Discover tips and secrets how Body Language instantly can improve your business and relationships effectiveness.
- How do you respect the right distance and attitude in communication to make an optimal conversation?
- How and where do you sit to ensure a good communication?
- How do you recognize somebody is interested, anxious, attentive or excited?
- Discover the do’s and dont’s during a conversation and why.
- What gestures do you discover, what do they mean?
- How do you know if someone tells or lies the truth?
- Discover how to read Body Language and stay focused during a conversation.
- Exercises
Who is Rene Deceuninck:
René Deceuninck, Master in Body Language, motivational speaker, coach and trainer, runs an exclusive international company. Since 1995, René has been delivering enriching insights and results-oriented outcomes to his clients.
His seminars, keynotes and trainings around the world are changing businesses with amazing levels of positive increase. He shared stages with Brian Tracey, Jairek Robbins and many other influential speakers.
His clients are empowered with their new skills to read thoughts before one word is spoken, in meetings, in sales, and in everyday situations. As a result of this competitive edge, they optimize their performance, both personally & professionally as Full Body Language Experts.
As a professional, he clearly knows what he is doing, moreover, he excels in the trade. His consistency, optimism, enthusiasm, and know-how will also be an inspiration and motivation for you. A real must..., warmly recommended! Paul Hofmans Founder & Partner – Pin coding Web solutions – Brecht – Belgium
In a casual way, in a relaxed atmosphere, discovering the challenge and confrontation with yourself and just get that “push” to get back on track & find what I lost. Yes, I can! 2014 “The year of change” started for me at this very moment. Nancy Bruwier - Professional Photographer - Houthulst - Belgium
In life, there are people who “yo-yo” and people who take matters into their own hands and truly realize them. I encountered René at a seminar at the beginning of 2012. His progression since then is unstoppable, this owing to his positive aura and will power. His passion is infectious, inquisitive and full of conviction. Nathalie Royer - CEO Royer NV - Dilbeek Brussel - Belgium
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