MOOLA - Vi sætter fokus på alternativ behandling og giver
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The people in the room will affect you with their energy, too.
The clothes you’re wearing, your thoughts and the energy you bring into the room are also contributing to the overall atmosphere and energy in the room.
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When you surround yourself with things you love and people who you are on wavelength with and who support you, it will influence you and your energy in a positive way and your energy will start to vibrate on a higher and more loving frequency.
Everything is energy - people, things, thougths, feelings and so on - it’s all energy.
If we pick everything apart down to the smallest atom, everything springs from the same energy.
What makes the difference is that the energy vibrates at different frequencies and the frequency determines the substance.
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Likes attract. When your energy is vibrating at a low frequency, what you’re attracting will be things that vibrate at that same low frequency.
If your energy is on a high frequency on the other hand, what you’re attracting is all the great stuff that also vibrates up there.
With a good Feng Shui lifestyle you can guide your feelings, your thoughts and your life in the direction you choose. By consciously using your interior decorating, the way you dress and your entire way of being in the world, you elevate your energy to a higher frequency within the areas you are working with.
When the energy frequency rises within the specific areas, it means that everything you desire begins to manifest itself because your desires are located on this higher energy frequency.
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A good Feng Shui lifestyle will help you get what you want. If you for instance want a better money flow, you can boost your prosperity energy through colors, symbols and other elements belonging to this specific area.
If you want more love in your life, you can use your clothes and your interior decorating to heighten the energy frequency that supports you in attracting what you want within the love area.
The same goes for reputation, family, health, spirituality, self-cultivation, grounding, manifesting wishes and so on.
In short, a good Feng Shui lifestyle helps you to raise your energy frequency and thus create the life you want.
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To Rebekkahlily, Feng Shui is about so much more than interior decorating, it is the way we live our lives.
Who we surround ourselves with, what we eat, how we dress, our thoughts, view of life and yes, of course our interior decorating too.
If you want inspiration for good Feng Shui lifestyle, visit
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